Why Not All Lead Generation Services Are The Same

At Ethicall, we work alongside our client’s business to figure out what their customers want. Our focus on delivering exceptional results drives all of our services, but particularly our lead generation services.

Unfortunately, not all lead generation in the UK is done the same way or with the same focus. Whether your company is interested in sales lead generation or wants to learn how to better nurture the leads you already have, we can help.

Here’s how our lead generation service is different and what you can expect from using our services.

Focusing ONLY on Generation

Lead generation is the first stop towards building excitement about your products or services. This makes it the first pit stop in the sales pipeline. Whether done through inbound marketing or outbound marketing, it is key to jumpstarting interest.

However, it should only be used as a jumping off point. Let me explain.

For the most part, generating leads drives people back to your website. But what it can’t do is make them stick around or take action (i.e. buy your product). That’s why nurturing your leads is so important. It is only one element in a vaster process.

Why Nurturing Your Leads is Important

While gathering information is important and helps you build out your strategy, it can’t tell you what customers want and certainly not how to give it to them. Nurturing your leads, however, can.

It’s unreasonable to think all leads are ready to purchase as soon as they show up on your website, but it isn’t unreasonable to think they are interested. The only way to figure that out is to interact with them to see what stage of the pipeline they are at.

The first step to interacting with your customers is to build trust. You can do this by showing them you are listening. Sending customized emails, or personalizing paper coupons and offers, sends the message that you are listening and that you do care. Using this type of nurturing strategy, you stand a much better chance of making the sale and consistently holding their attention—and even more so, their trust.

Getting the Most From Your Sales Lead Generation

Often times, companies don’t have the time to handle their lead generation services. That’s where we can help. We offer lead generation in the UK and beyond, to help you make the most of your online presence. Contact our team today to learn more.